Mardiati Zain
Andalas University
Title: Effect of Sacharomyces cerevisiae and Sapindus rarak Supplementation in diet based of Oil Palm Frond (OPF) on nutrient digestibility and body weight gain of Goat
Biography: Mardiati Zain
This experiment was conducted to study the effect supplementation of S. cerevisiae and Sapindus rarak in diet OPF-based of nutrients digestibility and body weight gain of goat. The experiment was did in Ruminant Nutrition Laboratory of the Faculty of Animal Science Andalas University, Padang. Six teen male Ettawa Goat (40 + 2.75 kg (SEM) liveweight) were allocated to four treatments in a Randomised Block Design, with four replicates per treatment. The four treatments were (A) native grass + concentrate (B),OPF (previously treated with 3% urea) + concentrate, (C) Diet B + 1% S.cerevisae and (D) Diet C + 4% sapindus rarak. The animals were adjusted to their treatments over a 2 week preliminary period which was followed by an 8 week experimental period. Feed intake was determined daily and liveweight was measured every two week. Digestibility was measured by total faecal collection over 6 consecutive days on last week of experiment period. Data were analysed using the General Linear Model procedure in Statistical Analysis Software (SAS, version). The results showed that the dry matter digestibility of treatment B (50.74%) were significantly lower than treatments A, C and D respectively (67.37, 62.38 and 65.71%) and supplementation of S. cerevisiae was able to improve nutrient digestibility and body weight gain of cattle, but still low compared to control (A). Addition of 0.4% Sapindus rarak in treatment D (123 g / day) was able to provide digestibility and body weight gain similar to the control ration (132 g / day). It can be concluded that the use of OPF as a substitute for grass would give the same results with the grass when added 0.1% S. cerevisiae and 4% Sapindus rarak.