Andalas University
Title: The effect of types of mold, fermentation duration and Palm Kernel cake substrate composition on Cellulase and Mannanase enzyme activities
Biography: Mirnawati
The objective of this research is to determine the types of mold, the substrate composition (Palm kernel cake dose) and the optimum fermentation duration toward Cellulase, Mannanase and Protease in producing enzymes from cellulotic and mananolitic fungi in order to be used in poultry rations that contain palm kernel cake (PKC). The utilization of the aforementioned enzymes are expected to increase the usage of PKC in poultry rations. The statistical method applied in this research is the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a 3x3x3 factorial arrangement with 3 replications (Steel and Torrie, 1991). Factor A is the types of molds to be used which are: Aspergillus niger as A1, Eupenicillium javanicum as A2, and Sclerotium rolfsii as A3. Factor B is the substrate composition of PKC which are: 5% of PKC as B1, 8% of PKC as B2, and 11% of PKCas B3. Factor C is the fermentation duration which are: 36 hours as C1, 48 hours as C2, and 60 hours as C3. The variables measured are the enzyme activities of Cellulase enzyme (U/ml), Mannanase enzyme (U/ml), and Protease enzyme (U/ml). The result of variance analysis showed that there is an interaction among the types of molds, the substrate composition, and the fermentation duration toward Cellulase, Mannanase and Protease enzyme activities, while each factor in the types of molds, the substrate composition and the fermentation duration is highly significant (P<0.01) to Cellulase, Mannanase and Protease enzyme activities. Based on the results obtained in this study, it can be concluded that Sclerotium rofsii provides an optimum enzyme activities for Cellulase, Mannanase and Protease enzymes with enzyme activity of 21.89 U/ml, 24.58 U/ml, and 22.92 U/ml respectively, compared to Eupenicillium javanicum and Aspergillus niger.