Yetti Marlida
Andalas University
Title: The fiber fraction of Oil Palm Trunk treated by ligninase termostable produced by thermophilic Bacteria isolated from hot spring of West Sumatera, Indonesia
Biography: Yetti Marlida
The research purposed to find out interction between oil palm trunk concentrations and ligninase doses to increase the fiber fractions of oil palm trunk before using as animal feeding. The oil palm trunk treated by ligninase termostable aimed to hidrolysis of lignin as cell wall through separation of fiber fraction such as: ADF, NDF, cellulose, and hemicellulose. The design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial using 2 factors: factor A consists of three levels of ligninase enzymes A1: 250 U/kg, A2: 500 U/kg,and A3: 750 U/kg. Factor B is the concentration of oil palm trunks B1: 40%; B2: 60% were repeated 3 times. The results showed that there is highly significantly effect of interactions (P<0.01) between levels of ligninase enzyme (factor A) with the concentration of oil palm trunks (factor B) to ADF, NDF, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin contents of hydrolisis products of oil palm trunk.The optimum concentration of oil palm trukns was 60% (v/w) and 750 U/kg of ligninase thermostable that were improve of the fiber fractions quality to easily digested by ruminantia animal such as: cow, sheep, buffalo and goat.