Ivan Andonovic
Strathclyde University
United Kingdom
I. Andonovic, Professor of Broadband Networks, graduated with a BSc (Hons.) in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Strathclyde and received a PhD in conjunction with neighbouring Glasgow University. He is currently a member of the Centre for Intelligent Dynamic Communications Systems (CIDCOM) at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Strathclyde University and Vice Dean for Knowledge Exchange for the Faculty of Engineering. He joined Strathclyde in 1985 following several years at Barr and Stroud (Pilkington Optronics) where he was responsible for the design, manufacture and test of optical guided wave devices. He has held a two year Royal Society Industrial Fellowship, in collaboration with British Telecommunications (BT) Labs during which he investigated novel approaches to broadband networking. Professor Andonovic’s research interests centre on the development of broadband networks, access and home networking and wireless sensor systems following the Internet of Everything (IoE) principles. He has edited two books and authored/co-authored six chapters in books and over 400 journal and conference papers and funding in excess of £15M. He has held a BT Short Term Fellowship, Visiting Scientist status at the Communications Research Laboratories of Japan, Visiting Professor at the City University of Hong Kong and Princeton University, USA. He was co-founder, Director and Chief Technology Officer of Kamelian Ltd., a high growth technology start-up focussing on the design and manufacture of advanced semi-conductor devices. He was also a member of flagship Scottish Enterprise (government agency for economic growth) establishment team of the Intermediary Technology Institutes (ITIs), aimed at bridging the gap between basic research and company growth. He held the ITI Techmedia Sponsored Chair in Broadband Networks facilitating the interaction between fundamental research in communications technologies and pre-competitive development of technologies that formed the input to commercialisation activities in Scotland. Recently he was a co-founding member, Director and CTO of Silent Herdsman Ltd a technology company providing a range of cloud based animal health services, the foundation data being acquired through a highly scalable wireless distributed sensor platform.
Research Interest
Animal's welfare, metrics in diet